Since Isabelle Huault took over at the helm, corporate social responsibility has been a new strategic focus for emlyon business school. Its drive to combat sexism took a step forward this month as the School joined the 114 members of #StOpE. Started by Accor, EY and L'Oréal, this initiative sets out to denounce so-called "ordinary" sexism in the workplace and is backed by Elisabeth Moreno, Minister for Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities.

Good practices to combat sexism in the workplace

As the first business-to-business initiative of its kind, #StOpE aims to share and jointly promote good practices to combat ordinary sexism in the workplace. Spearheaded since December 2018 by Accor, EY and L'Oréal, the movement is based on the premise that this issue affects all companies and, more broadly, all organizations, and that it is essential to pool forces for the long-term prevention of sexist behaviour.

The movement, which is backed by Elisabeth Moreno, Minister for Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities, is based on the signing of a joint undertaking listing the eight founding principles. Companies and organizations thus commit to reducing ordinary sexism by implementing at least one of the eight priority actions during the year within their companies and organizations and to share their practical initiatives and good practices.

58 new members have signed up to the initiative this year. A number of schools and training bodies have signed the joint undertaking, including emlyon business school.

An undertaking that forms part of a global approach

The involvement of emlyon business school in this movement is part of a global approach to combat Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and discrimination. Since September 2020, the CSR department has been working on this project in collaboration with all of the School's stakeholders. The goal is to provide each of them with the keys to providing the best possible support to students and employees who find themselves faced with situations of violence or discrimination of any kind.

Following the action plan announced at the beginning of the school year, a whistle-blowing platform has been set up and the first reports have been dealt with. Three awareness-raising talks for all staff have already been held. Under the system, around fifty staff members have been trained to become "referrals" for students and other members of the School.

After this successful first step, emlyon will be continuing to roll out projects from January onwards:

  • Training all School associations;
  • Rolling out the student awareness program on foreign campuses;
  • Adapting the Charter of the Bureau National des Écoles de Management (BNEM) to emlyon for signing by all students;
  • Proving additional training modules focusing on the workplace with #balancetonstage, a student initiative against sexism during internships;
  • Providing training on street sexism through the "standup" initiative of L'Oréal Paris.
Isabelle Huault, President of the Board & Executive Director of emlyon business school

emlyon business school is an organization where women, men, teachers and teacher-researchers, administrative staff and students strive to promote active and responsible citizenship. It is not only a place of socialization and transmission of knowledge, but also of values, in particular the fight against ignorance, stereotypes and gender norms


TBWA\Corporate Alyssa Zayani – – +33 (0)6 08 16 14 07

emlyon business school : Julie Guillot – – +33 (0)6 45 23 23 04

About emlyon business school

Founded in 1872 by the Lyon CCI, emlyon business school has a yearly enrollment this year of 8,600 students from more than 110 countries and 6,000 participants in executive education programs. The school has six campuses around the world (Lyon, Saint-Étienne, Casablanca, Shanghai, Paris and Bhubaneswar), a network of 190 international academic partners, and an active community of 32,000 alumni in 120 countries. emlyon business school's mission is to foster “makers”, to provide life-long training for leaders, managers, entrepreneurs and senior executives with solid international experience and intra/entrepreneurial abilities, who are capable of understanding the complexity of the world and give it meaning, as well as shaping and transforming companies and the society in which they operate, as part of a collaborative approach.