Diversity and equal opportunities for study and job access

emlyon business school

Our ambition is to welcome any student, regardless of his/her social background or geographical origin, so that the lack of financial means shall never stop students from accessing qualitative education programs.

Since 1993, emlyon business school has been supporting students in need via its Foundation, based on two sets of provisions: scholarships and occasional or one-off grants provided by its emergency fund.

During the economic and sanitary crisis some students found themselves in dire situations.

The emlyon Fondation and the School were able to release an exceptional solidarity fund of more than 600K€ to help students undergoing major difficulties (a primary 400K€ in spring followed by 200K€ in the fall next). The usual annual budget is of 65K€; this amount is therefore the highest ever requested to the Fondation de France by a higher education institution.

Scholarships and grants:

11% of the student population
out of 778 students with a scholarship
emlyon Budget
to provide support to 351 students with financial difficulties

The School also provides an apprenticeship program for students in the Grande Ecole Program or in the Global BBA, allowing them to study and work simultaneously. As part of this program, students need to stay in the company they are working in, one more year after their graduation. This initiative is a strong lever for self-financing students and for their direct access to employment.

Partnership with the Institut de l'Engagement:

The Institut de l'Engagement is an association founded in 2012 by Martin Hirsch, to spot youngsters engaged in a mission of public interest, support them and help them plan for their future. It allows youngsters engaged in a civic service, or in a European Solidarity Corps, to value their engagement and structure their projects. Starting in 2021, the laureates of the Institut de l'Engagement are declared to be admissible to the competitive entry exam for degree-based admissions of the Grande Ecole Program, in compliance with the French Ministry of Higher Education. This approach shall highly enhance the competences acquired during a civic service. These students are granted a 50% discount for their whole tuition fees at emlyon business school.

As part of our social support policy for every student, we have also implemented a new partnership with Toutes Mes Aides. This platform lists all of the rights and aids students can be granted as part of our School's programs but also, those coming from the French government, the region or city they live in.

International mobility Scholarships:

  • The system of regional scholarships provides aid for international mobility, a provision implemented by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. As such, the region allocates a school an annual budgetary envelope it is in charge of distributing on behalf of the region. These scholarships are meant for students undertaking an exchange and/or internship abroad.
  • The Erasmus scholarships are for students from the Grande Ecole Program and those from the Global BBA who are undertaking an academic exchange with a partner university in Europe or an internship in a European company.

As a higher education institution and as an employer, our ambition is to allow every single person to grow as an individual, both academically and professionally, thanks to a solidarity-oriented and positive environment, providing favorable conditions for self-development.