Alice RIOU

Associate Professor

Doctorate in Business Administration - Marketing et expérience client



As a Professor, Researcher and Entrepreneur, I am fascinated by marketing and the controversy surrounding it. 
As a Professor, I have been a member of the permanent faculty at emlyon business school since 2007 and I belong to the “Marketing/mass consumption and trends” team. My main areas of expertise concern bodycare products taking a cross-disciplinary approach combining human sciences and economics. I make use of innovative teaching methods to share skills for which I have received a number of awards.  
As a researcher, studying for a PhD since 2018, I am interested in Edtech and the role of class work in the business school student experience.  
As an entrepreneur, I set up a company specializing in outdoor e-tourism in 2003 which I still run. 

2018: Doctorate in Business Administration. Marketing and Customer Experience. Paris IX - Dauphine (doctorate in process)
  • 2001: Master's degree (DEA) in Management. Marketing and Strategy - IAE Lyon III et emlyon business school
  • 1998: University degree (DU) in Management - IAE Lyon III
Current positions: Company head and lecturer
  • 2003: Creation and management of the Pedestria travel agency Pedestria
  • 2007: Permanent lecturer and member of the Markets and Innovations Department team - emlyon business school