Associate Professor, Head of ODAI department

PhD in Astrophysics

Operations, Data & Artificial Intelligence


I'm a specialist in collaborative innovation processes and focus on the strategies and governance of opening and sharing data (public, private and personal) and how to foster value creation. I developed expertise thanks to more than 5 years in helping institutions and companies (from startup to large companies) to develop new services or internal processes. In that purpose, I'm one of the founder member of the non-profit organisation TUBA, based in Lyon, France, and participate to its development. I'm also involved and interested in mediation of digital issues, on how to acculturate and give people the power to master these new dailylife tools and control back their personal data.

2008: PhD in Astrophysics, Université Aix-Marseille I & Institut d'astrophysique de Paris, France
  • 2014: Specialised master, Management of technology and innovation, emlyon business school, France
2022 - present: emlyon business school, Lyon, France - Head of ODAI department
  • 2020 - present: emlyon business school, Lyon, France - Associate Professor
  • 2019 - 2020: emlyon business school, Lyon, France - Instructor, Coordinator of data science and AI course offerings
  • 2014 - 2019: TUBA, Lyon, France - Co-founder / Collaborative Innovation Project Manager
  • 2014: Estimages, Paris, France - New business developer