Professor level 1

Doctorat es Sciences de Gestion, spécialité "Finance"

Accounting & Corporate Finance


I am a Doctor in Sciences of Management. My researches directed me to the study of the behavior of financing of the family and patrimonial companies. Honored in 2003 by the price F.B.N. Miguel Gallo Most Innovative Paper Award. I teach at emlyon business school since September 2000 and give courses to various public.

Doctorate Degree with honors, Paris IX –Dauphine University
  • 2002: Ph. D., University of Paris-Dauphine, Paris, France. Thesis is titled: “Control, Ownership and Financial Behaviours– a study of French Family Firms”. Research director : Monsieur le Professeur Elie Cohen
  • 1993 - 1994: Post-Graduate Research Degree in Finance (D.E.A.). Major : Corporate finance. University of Paris-Dauphine, Paris, France
2007 - Now: Head of the Specialized Master in Corporate Finance, emlyon business school, France
  • 2006 - 2007: Acting Head of the Specialized Master in Corporate Finance, emlyon business school, France
  • 2000 - Now: Associate Professor of Corporate Finance, emlyon business school, France